Saturday, March 04, 2006

Sock Hop

Zachary and MacKenzie had a Sock Hop at school Friday night. MacKenzie was excited about going all week, but wasn’t sure if she’d dance. Zachary, on the other hand, wasn’t interested in going at all (he even asked if he could stay home with Benjamin and the sitter!) until Thursday. That’s when he realized that his “best friend” would be going as well.

After waiting in line to get in and get food, they scarfed down their dinners (and I use that term loosely since it consisted of hotdogs and chips) and ran off. MacKenzie told me, while running off and looking back over her shoulder, she was going to dance. Zachary was simultaneously scurrying off in search of his “best friend.”

I didn’t see MacKenzie much of the evening except when she stopped by to show me the puppy she had painted on her cheek…she was too busy dancing. But I did see Zachary every couple minutes as he and Angeline chased each other through the gym. Yes, Angeline is his “best friend.” I honestly think he has a crush on her, and wouldn’t be surprised if she made the leap from “best friend” to “girlfriend” in the near future. One interesting side note though, after meeting and talking with her parents (Angeline grabbed my arm and led me to them to make sure we met), we discovered that her mom used to be stationed at Robins--in the same unit at the same time as me. I was there Jan 96 to Oct 98, and she was there 97-02. Talk about a small world! Before the evening ended, Zachary and Angeline decided they had to have their photo made together, and since it was a Sock Hop, they chose the “diner” backdrop. I, of course, had to snap one of my own as well.

Zachary and MacKenzie both enjoyed their ice cream floats (especially since we never seem to make them at home), and I think were glad they went. I don't think I've ever seen so many poodle skirts assembled in one place at the same time! MacKenzie informed me that she wants one--maybe we can work on that for next year. As the evening was winding down, MacKenzie decided that she wanted to dance with me. Her idea of dancing was me spinning her around and making myself dizzy! But, she had fun. When the evening was over, they helped take down a few of the decorations (there were basketball games in the gym the next morning--including MacKenzie's last game to cheer at for the season) and headed out into the freshly-falling snow to make our way home. Overall, it was a good evening!

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love that angeline! the hair is just too beautiful. zachary knows how to pick them. he reminds me of david at that age, when he loved to hang around with jill. remember when we made him and tim eat the dog food?! ah, the wonderful days of youth. we really were old enough to know better.
miss you all
How many times do I have to say it?!?! She is NOT my girlfriend!!!!
You can tell by the rosy cheeks on Mac & Zack that they had a great time at the dance! I am so thrilled. And yes, Angeline is really cute and I'm glad Zach has a great friend like her. Now about that dog food you and Megan tried to make David eat!!!
Angeline is really cute and I am glad Zachary has a "best friend". Zachary I had a best guy friend named Kris from 5th-7th grades. He is still a good friend today and even was in my wedding - and he was never my boyfriend! You enjoy your cute best friend. It could be a friendship that lasts a lifetime!
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