Monday, January 25, 2010

14th Birthday

I’m waaaaay behind on updating the blog. Here’s a shot of Zachary with most of his birthday presents. Although he didn’t say anything, I could tell he was a little disappointed that he received mostly clothes. However, he REALLY needed them! Our morning routine had devolved into a conversation where I’d ask him to change out of his short-sleeve shirt and into a long-sleeve shirt, to which he’d reply, “I don’t have any.” Yup, he outgrew virtually all of his long-sleeve shirts from last winter. So, most of his birthday presents were long-sleeve shirts. Oh, he also received two movies and a graphing calculator for his Algebra class.

A few days later, he was in better spirits about his birthday presents since our Thanksgiving cruise was part of his present as well. He enjoyed the cruise -- and being pampered on the ship -- so that made up for so many long-sleeve shirts. I’m so glad he’s mature to realize it's not all about what's wrapped in the boxes -- I’m so proud of him!

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