Friday, January 26, 2007

Computer Smarts

Zachary had been bugging me almost all year to let him build a computer. After much research and consultation with my brother (who works for Dell and is MUCH smarter about these things than I), we ordered parts for him to assemble a new computer. It didn’t hurt that our old computer was slowly dying and needed replacing, so the timing was right.

He worked with a high school boy from the computer repair class to assemble the computer, and it only took about two hours to complete. It’s now our primary computer, with internet capability and SimCity 4. He’s proud of the fact that it’s in a gaming computer case...complete with flashing blue neon lights as it runs!

As a bonus, two of his classmates wrote an article on his accomplishment and submitted it to the garrison newspaper. He’s been waiting patiently for the story to come out, and it finally did this week. He was definitely excited when he got his hands on the paper last night, and quickly scanned each page looking for his photo. You can see the article online at After following the link, scroll down to the bottom of page 13 to read the article.


Great job Zachary. I just wish I was as smart as you are when it comes to computers.

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