Monday, January 15, 2007

Training "Mini Me"

We had a lazy, but relaxing three-day weekend. After my short TDY to Ramstein last week, it was nice to get settled back into a semblance of a routine following the kids’ first week back at school. We didn’t do much this weekend…a little shopping, going to a movie (“Flushed Away”) and straightening up around the house. I found a saying today on how chaos can enrich our lives:
“A messy desk, when it’s cleaned up, can yield all kinds of forgotten
Zachary didn’t care too much that I reminded him that his desk desperately needed a search for hidden treasures. Fortunately, he found some during his excavation...although he found them in his closet as part of the peripheral cleaning he had to do along with his desk tidying.

Yesterday morning, the boys opted for a little male bonding -- video game style. I know Zachary enjoyed being able to share his love of GameBoy with Benjamin, and Benjamin loved playing GameBoy just like the big kids! I thought it was too cute, especially since "Baby Puppy" was right there beside Benjamin, helping him out!

Last night when we did a cursory walk through the PX, Benjamin announced he had to use the restroom, so I asked him if Zachary could take him. At first he balked, until I reminded him that it meant he could use the boys bathroom. He liked that idea. After they returned and we headed back out into the parking lot (the bathroom is in the building across the street), I reminded him that he needed to hold someone’s hand since it was dark. He surprised me by reaching for Zachary’s hand and announcing that Zachary was his best friend! He’s definitely growing up and showing that he doesn’t have to rely on me for everything (although I'm still a dominant preference).

Tonight, Benjamin emerged from the hallway saying his pants were falling down. I thought he had been playing in his room, so wasn’t sure why he was having a problem with his pants...until I laid eyes on him. He had taken a break from playing to take care of business, and needed help with his snap. It all made sense, and I quickly helped him remedy the problem!

And with this tribute to brothers, a very special happy birthday to my brother. If I have his counting scheme correct, he’ll claim it’s his fourth 29th birthday. Happy Birthday, Bubba!

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