Saturday, December 30, 2006

Camping with the Boys

Shortly before school resumed, Zachary participated in a Cub Scout Twilight Camp. He went out to the camping area in the late afternoon each day and stayed into the evenings doing traditional scouting activities. The last evening, the Webelos were invited to camp out. MacKenzie had been invited to spend the night with a friend, so it turned into a boys campout for me. Here are Zachary and Benjamin after we got our tent set up.

The boys had to search for their own sticks to roast marshmallows, but they were in abundant supply in the “enchanted forest” area of the campgrounds. Benjamin found one without any help. Notice the foxhole behind him. There is also an abundance of foxholes in this area of the campground as well.
It was chilly outside, even though it was August -- officially still summer. Breakfast included “omelets” boiled in ziplock bags...quite an interesting way to cook the eggs. Benjamin opted, instead, for an orange, but had to keep it away from a few friendly dogs who were interested in helping him devour it. Zachary wasn't as picky about his breakfast, and even helped keep the friendly dogs at bay while Benjamin worked on his orange.

After breakfast, we trekked to the nearby 18th century ruins, which always seems to be a favorite activity with the boys. Since it was light out, they really got to explore the tunnels. Benjamin also enjoyed simply spending time with Zachary. He proclaimed that he’s a boy, so therefore he wants to be a Boy Scout just like Zachary. I doubt it will take much convincing to get him involved in scouts when he’s old enough.

Zachary was good about going through some of the tunnels with him, and keeping an eye out for nettles (a German weed with the same itchy properties as poison ivy).

Benjamin also enjoyed the simple pleasures of being outside and exploring the grasses that were taller than him. I preferred staying in the clearing…just a few feet away, but Benjamin made a beeline for the more overgrown area. After a short exploration, he decided to walk back to the open area where he didn’t have to fight against growth taller than himself. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX When it was time to pack up and head home, Benjamin didn’t want to be left behind, although he definitely enjoyed himself as much as Zachary did.

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