Monday, June 18, 2007

First Court of Honor

Immediately after MacKenzie’s Fly-up ceremony, we climbed into the van to head over to Zachary’s first Boy Scout Court of Honor. Since dinner preceded the ceremony, and started before MacKenzie’s Fly-up ceremony concluded, he went early with one of his scout-mates.

Zachary was recognized for earning his first merit badge, in Environmental Science. He was one of only two new scouts to earn this badge. What’s even more impressive is that it’s an Eagle-required badge, and one of the more difficult ones to complete. I’m very proud of him!

After that recognition, he and his fellow new scouts were recognized for earning the ranks of Scout and Tenderfoot.

Benjamin played at the nearby playground during most of the ceremony, which worked out well so he didn’t disrupt the recognition. However, as we started to leave, he proudly told me that he had thrown four “hornshoes” into a water-filled ditch. Ugh!! I didn’t figure we could leave while the horseshoes remained missing from the nearby pit. Fortunately, the father of a scout who was already wet from falling into the water offered him up to wade through the water to retrieve them. As far as Benjamin was concerned, it was just as much fun to throw them into the water as it was to throw rocks into the water. What a boy! At least he told me about his fun before we left so we could retrieve the horseshoes!

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