Friday, January 18, 2008

Post-Christmas Return (2006)

One nice thing about our trip to Italy last Christmas was that it really made Christmas last. We unwrapped our gifts from under the tree before we left, then the kids opened one gift each on Christmas Eve, followed by Santa’s deliveries Christmas morning. Finally, when we returned home, they discovered that Santa had filled our stockings and left them at home for us. So, we managed to stretch Christmas out to seven days!

Naturally, emptying the stockings is exciting -- to see what little surprises Santa leaves.

Santa even left me an extra helping of chocolates, including quite a few dark chocolates (my ultimate favorite!).

After stretching Christmas out over a week, Zachary was glad to be home so he could stretch out and play on his new Nintendo DS. Boy, does it feel good to get home, no matter how wonderful the travels!

Postscript... Now that I've finally completed the updates from our Christmas in Italy trip, we're headed back to Italy again. Hopefully it won't take me nearly 13 months to share the details of this trip! Hopefully I won't ever get this behind on my posts again either!

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