Saturday, November 01, 2008

Learning the Ropes

MacKenzie’s Girl Scout troop tries to get together for at least one field trip type event per month. Last month was the Volksmarch in St. Julian, and this month was the “Rope Course” at Waldseilpark. Zachary was at a Boy Scout bowl-a-thon, so just Benjamin and I went with her.

Before we left, I wasn’t sure whether the course was indoors or outdoors, but soon discovered that it was outdoors and included obstacles built amongst the trees with cables, swings, rope bridges, wooden bridges and wires. MacKenzie chose to stay on the lower of the three course levels -- which was perfectly fine with me!

The course really was a confidence builder for the girls (heck, for everyone out there). MacKenzie went on her first attempt with another parent and some of her fellow scouts while I got Benjamin situated on the kiddie course. For her second attempt (with me in tow), she almost opted for the medium-altitude course, but because of the long line to climb up the entrance, opted for the lower course again. I was thankful!

This section made me think of circus tightrope walkers. Egads! I held onto the safety strap as tightly as MacKenzie was here. The log above the wire wasn’t much use -- it swayed at the slightest touch. Fortunately, this was the last section of this course before the zipline to the bottom.

MacKenzie really enjoyed riding the zipline to the bottom -- as is evident by the way she’s holding her arms out on the way down. Somehow, she managed to turn backwards by the time she landed, and she slip in the wet leaves (and mud!). What a blast though!

There was a kiddie area to the course -- for kids 5 to 8 -- that gave them an opportunity to experience the course, without the risk of being high off the ground. The higher courses require that everyone be able to attach and unattach their rigging equipment on their own (and one-handed to boot), so it’s really not feasible for the younger kids to do so. But, Benjamin seemed to enjoy this younger-geared course. He kept losing his balance on this spider-web section, but did a good job holding on.

The logs that he’s standing on here swayed, making this the most difficult section for him. He inched along, and made it across on his own though.

He really enjoyed riding the zipline at the end of the course. He looks like a pro here!

After a few passes at the kiddie course, he decided he’d had enough and sat on the porch to watch. Fortunately, there were a few other moms who weren’t climbing and offered to help keep an eye on him. MacKenzie and I were also on the low course just beside the kiddie course, so he enjoyed watching us go by above him.

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