Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leaving the White Cliffs of Dover

After our visit to London came to a close, we loaded back up on the bus and headed south. When we got ready to depart the island, we passed this fortress perched atop the White Cliffs of Dover.

The cliffs face toward Continental Europe across the narrowest part of the English Channel, so therefore they have great symbolic value for Britain since this is where invasions have historically threatened the country. Naturally, the cliffs form a symbolic guard against invaders. Before the advent of air travel, crossing the English Channel here was the primary route to the continent before air travel, the white line of cliffs also formed the first (or last) sight of the UK for travelers -- as it did for us.

We stopped for a quick -- early -- lunch before loading the ferry for the crossing, and had to rush after taking this photo to catch the bus before it drove onto the ferry.

Several seagulls flew above the back deck while we were eating, and this one sat down to join Benjamin. He was really hoping Benjamin would share his nuggets.

We had one last look at the cliffs as our ferry headed south across the English Channel for our short ride back to the mainland -- of course, Benjamin was being stubborn and refused to look at the camera. The cliffs really are a beautiful site.

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