Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slap Dancing

The last night I was in Garmisch, several of us went out to eat at Gasthof Fraundorfer, a nice little restaurant known for its dinner entertainment: slap dancing. The food was decent, and the entertainment was great. These two boys came out in traditional German costumes and performed several slap dances to accordion accompaniment. They were really slapping themselves hard -- I wouldn’t be surprised if they had handprints on their thighs. Then again, I suspect that their pants are designed to withstand such heavy beatings.

This kid was concentrating very hard -- just look at his face! Such a look of sheer concentration and determination.

The shorter boy didn’t have any socks (must have been an oversight). When they had to squat down close to the ground, he really got down … and slid a couple times. He was very agile, and managed to get back up and into the routine after only a half-beat delay.

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