Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Nomads in the West Bank

As we drove through the West Bank toward Masada and the Dead Sea, we passed several Bedouin camps. Bedouins pitch their tents on the eastern sides of hills, toward the rising sun since morning is the coldest part of the day. They used to make their tents from camel hair, and then from cloth, but now use garbage.

Near this Bedouin camp is a hill where Muslims believe Moses is buried. We also passed through Jericho, where John the Baptist baptized Jesus as well as the Monastery of Temptation where Satan tempted Jesus.

Seeing these camps made me very thankful for the warm home I come home to each night, and the comforts within. Sometimes my military lifestyle makes me feel like a gypsy, but living in old campers and under rusted tin roofs definitely is more than I’d like to tackle!

You can see some of the green that “bloomed” after rain the day previous in this camp.

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