Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Grade Performance

Benjamin had a cute school performance just before the holidays entitled “Holiday Sounds from Many Lands.” His class represented Ireland so they all wore green and performed the “Christmas in Killarney Jig.” It was so cute to watch him dance an Irish jig!

He has a habit of sticking out his tongue to lick his bottom lip -- all at once. Unfotunately, it really chaps the skin below his lip. I caught him in the act during this photo.

Doesn’t he look like he’s having fun up there dancing? Maybe I should enroll him in the Irish Step Dancing class. He seemed like such a natural during this performance!

They even did an Irish line dance at the end. I didn’t realize how short he looks until I saw this photo. Even the girls are a good bit taller than him. Guess he is my little peanut. Sure hope he got some of the tall genes like his brother and sister...and that they don't stay dormant!

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