Monday, April 03, 2006

Benjamin’s Antics

Benjamin is really getting closer to turning three…his favorite phrase of late has become “Why Mommy?” I don’t remember Zachary and MacKenzie going through the “Why” phase until they were much older. And Benjamin doesn’t just ask once, but instead repeatedly asks “Why?”…sometimes as many as five and six times consecutively. Boy, does he tire me out at times!!

He’s only faintly interested in potty-training, but with that in mind he gave me a good laugh tonight after his bath. He got out of the tub and walked down the hallway to his room, carefully holding his towel around himself. Before I could join him to help him get his pj’s on, he came streaking back (sans towel) into the bathroom, saying “Me poopy.” So, I helped him sit on the potty. Once he got settled, he let out a single fart, then promptly got down and ran back to his room. He was done.

As we finished getting his pj’s on, he noticed that MacKenzie had a “towel hat” on her head, and decided that he had to have one for himself. So, I had to wrap his hair up in his Pooh towel.

He gave me a good laugh this past weekend too. We were at a party at my boss’ house, and I needed to change his diaper. I had put one of his blankies on the bathroom floor and, trying to get him to lay down, I asked him to put his head on it. He promptly leaned over, put his hands on either side of the blankie, and placed the top of his head on the blankie--just as I had asked. However, since he had his bottom in the air, I couldn’t change his diaper. Fortunately, after a good laugh, he cooperated and laid down for me. Mission accomplished. :-)

OK, that makes it official...this is definitely a Mom blog. Who else would tell family and friends about kid bathroom antics... Oh well...sigh. At least my life isn't boring with this kid!!


Thanks for the update. It is fun to hear what you guys are up to. From the picture, I think Rachel and Ben look a lot alike-lucky girl-he's a cutie!
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