Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Biking Continues

When the kids returned from their summer visit to the states, they were excited about donning their helmets and jumping back on their bicycles to improve their skills…and seemed to pick up right where they had left off. MacKenzie was just starting to get comfortable on her new bike (sans training wheels) before their trek to the states, and was adamant about riding her bike to improve her skills.

Of course, Zachary wasn’t going to be outdone by his younger sister, so quickly followed suit on his bike.

Benjamin rides with me on the back of my bike, so he opted to join them in their outdoor fun on his new scooter (birthday present). He is very cute when he starts scooting around the parking lot. He'll push with one leg for a short while, then lift up that leg and let his momentum help him coast along (while holding that leg to the side like a dog at a fire hydrant). Too funny!

It didn’t take long for Zachary and MacKenzie to really increase their confidence levels, and now they both feel comfortable enough to ride around base on little expeditions. Before it turned cold, we’d all climb aboard our bikes and go for rides. Because of German law, I had to equip our bikes with battery-powered headlights and taillights, bells and extra reflectors on the wheels before we could venture off-base. It’s odd to me that helmets are not mandatory in Germany, but bicycle bells are.

MacKenzie and Benjamin received scooters for their birthdays, and were fairly good about sharing with Zachary while in Texas. But, Zachary still felt excluded a bit, so he soon had his own scooter so he wouldn’t be left out.

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