Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Black Forest Ceremony

Back in August, the village of Edelweiler, on the edge of the Black Forst, held a memorial ceremony honoring 66 American service members who died in a mid-air collision of two C-119 Flying Boxcar transport aircraft, carrying paratroopers from the 499th Engineering Battalion, over their village 51 years earlier. Over the years, the villagers had recognized and remembered the soldiers and airmen who had died by planting a tree and, last year, placing a stone marker at the exact spot where one aircraft hit the ground. When they placed the stone marker, they had wanted to invite American service members to join them in the ceremony. Unfortunately, they were unable to contact someone in time to make their request before the 50th anniversary. So, instead, they concentrated their efforts on inviting us to the 51st anniversary ceremony…and we turned out in force.
In my typical journalist style, I knew this would make a great story showing partnership and compassion between our two countries, so I volunteered to join the group heading to the village to cover the ceremony. The ceremony was very nicely done, with several village leaders as well as U.S. members speaking to the attendees about the Cold War accident and the individuals lost 51 years earlier.
After the ceremony, we were invited to join our German hosts for dinner. As always, the food was delicious as we sampled the local cuisine. If you’re interested, my article is online at

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