Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekend Snow

Zachary and MacKenzie were both excited when we woke up yesterday morning and noticed another 1 to 2 inches of snow. We had some shopping to tackle before they could jump into their daily snow fun, but they were good sports as I enjoyed searching for bargains at a local sale. Afterward, they opted to climb a snow mountain left by a snowplow in the parking lot, and played a short game of “King of the Mountain.” After lunch, they made a fort with the snow left at the end of our parking lot...complete with a slide down the side. Apparently, MacKenzie was the first to the top of this mountain, and therefore was crowned “Queen of the Mountain.”

Benjamin was down for his nap when they first went outside, and he opted to remain inside after he awoke. I think the coldness of the snow from his earlier foray (when it snuck onto his unprotected wrist between his mitten and his jacket sleeve) swayed his decision. I didn’t mind staying inside with him though since he’s battling a cough and it was too cold to stay out very long. Even Zachary came inside on his own. MacKenzie stayed out a little longer so she could sled down our hill a few times, but soon decided to warm up with a cup of hot cocoa while wearing dry clothes. As always, they both said they enjoyed their time playing in the snow. I suppose they're trying to make up for the first half of the season without snow.

It looks like my prediction that whatever snow we would receive last week wouldn't last until the weekend didn't hold true. I suppose the weather forecasters have to be right some of the time, if for no other reason than to keep us on our toes.

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