Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Published Artist & Other Accolades!

On the last day of school (June 14), Zachary participated in the 4th and 5th grade awards assembly. The highlight of the morning was when the art teacher got up and began talking about how he had submitted 10% of the year's student artwork for consideration in the DODDS-Europe annual creative publication. He went on to say that only one student’s artwork was selected for publication, then called Zachary up to be recognized. His teacher had told me that one of Zachary's paintings had been selected for inclusion in the Showcase 2007 anthology, but I didn’t realize his was the only artwork selected from 500 students! Zachary was especially proud of the German set of watercolor paints he received -- 24 colors!

I haven’t seen the painting (it’s being copied for publication), but apparently it’s of a skydiver falling in the sky before his parachute opens. I can’t wait to see it when Zachary receives a copy of the Showcase in September. I’ll be sure to post a copy of it when we get a the publication so you can all see what a good artist Zachary is. Not only is he bright, but he’s creative too!

Zachary was also recognized for achieving the A-B Honor Roll and for receiving the Silver Presidential Academic Award. What a nice way to end the school year...and his last year in elementary school!


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