Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toothless Wonder

Well, he’s not totally toothless, but Zachary does have the fewest number of teeth in his mouth of anyone in our house now. Yes, it’s all part of his orthodontic treatment: pull some teeth to make room for others. He was scheduled to have six teeth pulled this morning -- four baby teeth and two permanent teeth. Two baby teeth popped right out with no roots. The other two baby teeth came out relatively easy with small roots. Then came the first permanent tooth -- which was still in the gum, above where two of the baby teeth were. Back in January, according to an x-ray, this particular one was sideways. Fortunately, by September it had pretty much straightened out, which made it “easier” to extract. Unfortunately, pulling that tooth was traumatic enough that the dentist decided to wait and get the sixth one (also in still in the gum) later. Zachary was holding an assistant’s hand during the ordeal, and claimed he could hear the bones in her thumb pop from squeezing her hand so hard.

After all that’s said and done, he’s doing very well tonight. He stayed home from school, watched “Lord of the Rings,” took a nap this afternoon and ate a decent lunch and supper. He surprised me and even took a Motrin tablet without hiding it in applesauce.

He’s even been pontificating about how much he expects the Tooth Fairy to leave him overnight since these teeth should be worth more than the average tooth -- pulled by the dentist, including one permanent tooth. At least he was a good sport when I asked him if he thought he needed dentures.


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