Friday, September 28, 2007

Parents, Prepare to Laugh!!!

Someone sent me a clip of the second half of this a while ago, and I thought it was hilarious (and, oh, so very true!). So, I tried to find the complete version on her web site here, but to no avail.

Then, out of the blue, another friend sent me the full two minute and 55 second version. The first half is just as funny as the second half...and had me crying from laughing so hard. She even borrowed a line that I distinctly remember my dad using frequently (any guesses which one that is, Dad?).

Zachary just rolled his eyes when I played it for doesn’t resonate much with him yet (I suppose that’s because he’s on the receiving end of so many of these phrases). So, as Anita Renfroe says, “Strap on your seatbelt” and prepare to laugh.

Total Momsense set to the William Tell Overture:

As an added bonus, here’s another classical music tribute to parents and children (couldn't embed, so you have to follow the link)...which also had me laughing so hard I was crying. This one has a good ending that puts it all in perspective and makes you feel good about being a parent, despite all the difficulties you may encounter.

Pachelbel’s Bedtime (Canon in D)

Both of these video clips prove that my kids and I have very healthy parent-child relationships, my kids are normal and I am by no means insane. Whew!


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