Saturday, February 02, 2008

That ’70s Dance

A few weeks ago, MacKenzie went to her school’s ’70s Dance. She’d been looking forward to it for a while, although most outfits she selected were more ’80s than ’70s. Fortunately, she has a new dress that fit the bill...even if she was adamant about wearing her ’80s-vintage Converse high-tops with it.

I never had the opportunity to attend dances in elementary school, but I can certainly say that they are very different from junior high and high school dances! It’s a totally different kind of energy flowing through the room!

MacKenzie and her friends enjoyed dancing, and got quite a workout while there. Yes, they even danced the conga line as it snaked around and through the gym.

They even found time to strike their “Charlie’s Angels” poses. Just about any time I pulled out my camera, they donned their finger guns and struck a pose.

I was tired out after two hours just watching MacKenzie and her friends, but she still seemed to have energy to spare. Oh to be young and vivacious again! Next up: the ’60s Dance.


Oh to be young again.

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