Sunday, March 23, 2008

A White Easter

Usually one would expect a White Christmas and an Easter full of spring colors and flowers in bloom. It seems that Mother Nature crossed her wires this year, because we woke up to a White Easter! MacKenzie had to scurry to find a white sweater to wear over her Easter dress, and I wasn’t going to fight Benjamin’s snow boots with his Easter clothes.

Once again, the Easter bunny brought delicious treats, combined with new pajamas from Mom. Nana sent new friends for MacKenzie and Benjamin, and a few dollars for Zachary. They could hardly wait to tear into the sweets and add their new friends to their Webkinz accounts.

As always, we colored Easter eggs. All three kids enjoyed dipping and dying the eggs, although MacKenzie’s the only one who likes eating boiled eggs. I suppose I can help her with some of them.

After returning from two weeks in Israel and seeing many Holy sights during my trip, this Easter was especially meaningful. It was amazing to see many of the places mentioned in the Bible and put a new perspective on Jesus’ life. Of course, I’ll add photos of my I find time {smile}.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Another "O"

What wonderful news to return home to after I spent two weeks on the road (and perfect timing as well)!

My cousin Lealane and her husband Brian welcomed Owen Walker Sanders to the world yesterday at 8:14 a.m.

According to Brian, his vital stats are:
--9 pounds even (+/-1 gram)
--21½ inches long
--10 fingers and 10 toes

Olivia doesn’t look like a baby any more, now that she’s a big sister!

For those of you keeping track, Owen is the third new baby in my family during the past four-and-a-half months! I can’t wait to meet them all this summer.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Girl Scout Sunday 2008

Here are a few photos of MacKenzie during Girl Scout Sunday today. No, she didn’t want me to take her photo at is evident by the way she cut her eyes and smirked at me each time I held the camera to my eye.

First, the girls inserted the bulletins in the hymnals so it would make their job easier as they greeted arriving worshippers.

They had quite the group of greeters just inside the doorway. There was no way to enter the sanctuary without recognizing that it was Girl Scout Sunday.

MacKenzie was even an usher this year. Nope, she still didn’t want me to take her photo!

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happiness is #660!

I officially found out yesterday that I’ve been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. It’s still taking a while to sink in, although I’m sure I’ll have ample time to adjust to the thought before I actually pin on my new rank. But, as the saying goes (at least within military circles), “happiness is a line number.” For those of you non-military types, the line number is the sequence number that determines when you get promoted. Mine is #660 of 1,019. Depending on how many people the Air Force decides to promote each month (after they finish promoting those who were selected last year), I suspect my big day will be about a year from now.

I figure this is a perfect opportunity to share a photo taken last weekend of the kids and me. We participated in the photo shoot for an exhibit on military moms. I thought having Zachary and MacKenzie in their uniforms would add a nice touch -- showing several ways our family serves our country. I expect Benjamin will have his own Cub Scout uniform in about a year and a half, so we may have to have another photo taken then.

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