Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happiness is #660!

I officially found out yesterday that I’ve been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. It’s still taking a while to sink in, although I’m sure I’ll have ample time to adjust to the thought before I actually pin on my new rank. But, as the saying goes (at least within military circles), “happiness is a line number.” For those of you non-military types, the line number is the sequence number that determines when you get promoted. Mine is #660 of 1,019. Depending on how many people the Air Force decides to promote each month (after they finish promoting those who were selected last year), I suspect my big day will be about a year from now.

I figure this is a perfect opportunity to share a photo taken last weekend of the kids and me. We participated in the photo shoot for an exhibit on military moms. I thought having Zachary and MacKenzie in their uniforms would add a nice touch -- showing several ways our family serves our country. I expect Benjamin will have his own Cub Scout uniform in about a year and a half, so we may have to have another photo taken then.

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