Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dinner Celebrating a Decade!

I forgot to post these photos after MacKenzie’s birthday, so here they are now. For her birthday dinner, she opted to go to the Reiterstüble where we could watch horses and riders getting in some practice while we ate. We went there back in April when Nana & Papa visited, and we enjoyed the meal and the entertainment.

Of course, MacKenzie opted for her favorite German meal: spaetzle with gravy. Notice the carved horse statue behind her. My dear friends Holly & John took me here just before they moved last summer (the kids were back in the states), and both of them remember eating at the restaurant when they were each kids living in Germany. I suppose that means good things are enduring!

We enjoyed watching the horses as they made their laps -- each of us picked out our favorite horses, and spent our time looking for differences in them (riders with and without spurs, horses with and without blankets under the saddles, horses of different sizes and colorings, etc). It made the time pass quickly while we waited for our food, and dinner was over before we realized it.

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Pam, you are so wonderful! Traditions are great, huh? I've so enjoyed your blog the last couple posts and can't wait to see the new house!!!

Love you!
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