Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dinner-prep Help

A few nights ago, when I announced that we were having hamburgers for supper, all three kiddos rushed into the kitchen to help make the burgers. I was surprised, especially since I typically can only elicit that kind of response from them when we make pizza (they love snitching as we pile on the ingredients).

The intrigue with making hamburgers is that they can get their hands messy while squishing the ingredients together. They all took turns adding the various ingredients (and I carefully watched how much garlic was added this time) and rolling the concoction into patties before putting them in the oven. I think I need to find a few more recipes that will have them rushing to help in the kitchen!

And, yes, the burgers turned out great. We had a slightly different mix of seasonings, but it was still good and very palatable.

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