Monday, July 21, 2008

Double Campout Week

Zachary and MacKenzie both enjoy camping out with scouts. This summer, the Stuttgart area Girl Scout council sponsored a 2-night campout vice a 5-day day camp concluding with a single overnight campout. I think MacKenzie gets nervous when setting out on her own like that, but she had a great time. Here’s the tent she helped set up for the campout.

She also found time to jump over the World War II foxholes surrounding her tent area. They’re really prevalent in this part of the camping area.

On the second night of the campout, parents were invited to attend the campfire. She was especially glad to see me since I spent the previous four days in Ramstein looking for a house for us to move into. The campfire started a little after 8 p.m., however, since it was the night after the summer solstice, it was still rather bright out.

Her campout troop performed a skit and introduced a challenge song to the campers (I didn’t realize there’s a slower verse leading into the Oscar Mayer Wiener song -- ask her about it the next time you see her). Yes, it stayed light out until well past when the campfire was over, so there really wasn’t a need for a fire to light up the campground.

The campout didn't wrap up until noon on that last day -- six hours after Zachary departed for his week-long campout in Garmisch. Again, since the summer solstice was only two days prior, it was pretty light when he left at 6 a.m.! In fact, the sun begins to rise about 4:30 a.m. during the longest days of summer and the last rays of dusk don’t disappear until around 10:30 p.m. Benjamin doesn’t understand how it can be time for bed when the sun’s still up during the summers here, even though he can read the clock and know when it’s bedtime (or later).

MacKenzie was pretty worn out after two days roughing it. After her shower and lunch, she quickly crashed out on the couch! At least she had fun though!

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