Monday, August 25, 2008

Swim Time

Zachary and MacKenzie started school today, but Benjamin doesn't start until next week (he's in Berlin this week with Matt and his folks). I tried uploading a few photos, but am not having luck with my free trial of a wireless provider (no DSL or cable-based internet in my village...grrr). So, until I can get the first day of school photos loaded, enjoy more photos from our trip to Georgia earlier this month.

Lealane and Brian invited us over for an afternoon swim in their pool, and the kids were excited about the opportunity. Andrew was left out of the fun since he needed to stay home and take a nap. Maybe next time.

Papa, Lealane and Owen even came outside to enjoy the warm summer afternoon.

Olivia really likes her pool, especially when her daddy is there with her.

See, I’m not the only one who takes lots of photos! (However, I haven’t seen any pool photos on Lealane’s blog this summer.)

It’s great to see my kiddos getting along so well. I try look back on moments like this during those times when they get on each others’ nerves and annoy each other to no end -- it reminds me that when all is said and done, they really do get along and take care of each other.

After a while, Owen came inside and chilled out in his bouncer. I don’t think I heard a single sound from him during our entire visit! What a calm baby!

After a long day of playing at home and swimming at Lealane’s, Benjamin was tired out! I think jet-lag may have played a small part of it too, but nonetheless, he fell asleep in the middle of the action, in the middle of the den floor. At least he was ready for bed before conking out.

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What great pool photos! I think that I will be stealing some of these since my pool pics turned out foggy.
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