Monday, July 28, 2008

My Big “Little Man”

It struck me last night as I watched Benjamin sleeping, just how big he’s becoming. He looks so big sleeping in this “big bed.” He usually sleeps in his own twin bed, but since Zachary and MacKenzie are in the states and we’re down to temp furniture, I’m spoiling him and letting him sleep with me. With the way he stretched out over the entire bed, it just emphasizes how much he’s growing. I still find it hard to believe that he’ll start Kindergarten in the fall! He likes this picture because it shows off his belly (no the pj’s aren’t too small for him, his shirt simply rolled up during his sleep). You can also see that he doesn’t like being covered up while sleeping, which drives me batty when we share a bed since I must be covered (he usually ends up sleeping on top of the sheets, which makes it that much more difficult for me to remain covered).

Here’s more proof of how big he’s becoming -- he can swing all by himself, and get pretty high while at it! He’s so proud of his swinging abilities, and I enjoy being able to take a book to the playground to read while watching him (meaning that I don’t have to push him!).


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