Friday, August 01, 2008

Special Friends

Benjamin and I are winging our way to the states, but I had to share these photos of some special friends. Lisa has been Benjamin’s home day care provider for two of the last three years (she took a one-year break to do part-time care only). Benjamin started staying with Lisa when we first moved here -- when he had just turned 2. Lisa’s son, Cameron, didn’t start Kindergarten until our second year here, so they played quite a bit together, especially that first year.

Luci also started staying with Lisa the same month Benjamin did, and stayed with Christie during most of Lisa’s one-year break. Luci’s sister Addison joined the family -- and Christie’s, then Lisa’s, home -- and it’s been fun watching her grow. All the kids have grown and matured over the past three years, and they really have become good friends. Benjamin (and I) will definitely miss Lisa, Luci, Addison and Cameron.

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