Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boxes of Fun

I remember how much fun my brother and I had playing with empty moving boxes every few years. The best times were when we moved to Springfield, Va., and Doylestown, Pa., since we had huge basements in those houses where we could create massive box mazes. So, I figured it would be just as fun for my kiddos to have their own experiences with moving boxes.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a basement, but we do have a loft playroom. So, most of the larger boxes found their way upstairs as they were unpacked. Egads, we have a lot of boxes!

Of course, the #1 favorite thing to do with the boxes is to crawl inside them. Zachary’s the primary architect, and often would inspect the seams when he crawled through them.

Benjamin is the quickest one through the boxes -- I barely snapped this photo before he rounded the corner.

Here comes MacKenzie after navigating her way through one of the two tunnels.

MacKenzie also enjoys playing school with her Webkinz animals. She lined them up in order of age (how long she’s had them), then also spent time “one floor below” during class.

Zachary tried to hide when he saw me set up for this photo. Doing so has almost become a game in and of itself with him.

MacKenzie’s doing a good “Kilroy was here” impersonation -- minus her nose sticking over the edge of the box.

Can't you hear the “Brady Bunch” theme song when you see this photo? I can!

More maintenance required on the tunnels!

MacKenzie even made a television set. Afterward, she crawled back under her Webkinz animals, and they all watched TV for a while. (BTW, we still don’t have TV connected here, and I’m kinda liking it!)

Benjamin often does his own thing -- with or without the boxes. Lincoln Logs are a hit!

Hmmm...I don’t think Zachary saw Benjamin create this hole in one of the tunnels.

I originally told the kids that the boxes would have to go out tomorrow with the cardboard recycles...then I checked the recycle schedule and discovered that cardboard and paper is picked up only once a month. That means they have another two weeks of fun with the boxes. As much fun as they're having with them, I’ll be glad when the boxes are gone and we can really start organizing the playroom! All in due time, I suppose.

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