Sunday, September 07, 2008

Monumental Visit: World War II

The War’s End
Today the Guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won. The skies no longer rain death -- the seas bear only commerce -- men everywhere walk upright in the sunlight. The entire world is quietly at peace.
-- General Douglas MacArthur

I had not been to the National World War II Memorial yet, so really wanted to visit it. The generation -- the “Greatest Generation” -- of Americans who fought in World War II deserved its own memorial, even if it came after Vietnam and Korean veterans had their own memorials.

If you haven’t been there yet, I highly recommend it. There’s a calm and inviting feeling as you walk around the memorial. This is a side view looking through the fountain toward the northern arch representing the Atlantic theater.

The Washington Monument and the World War II Memorial’s southern arch representing the Pacific theater are visible here, from the back walkway of the memorial. There are 28 pillars on either side of the monument, representing the 48 U.S. states of 1945, the Washington D.C., the Alaska Territory, the Territory of Hawaii, the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands (even though statehood was irrelevant to the federal war effort).

The kids enjoyed sitting with their feet in the pool while I strolled around the monument. Yes, others were doing likewise. The only signs posted requested that you not wade in the pool -- and they understood the difference. Zachary often claims that I walk his feet off on days like this, so I’m sure the cool water was a refreshing change for them.

I like this view of the kids through the water fountains. They were being good, and getting along very well together without my constant intervention. Yeah!

After allowing me time to stroll through the monument, Benjamin decided to play drums on the chains on the southern edge of the memorial. What a cutie!

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