Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tempting Tomatoes

Nana and Papa’s garden is teeming full of tomatoes. Nor surprise when they have more than 50 plants of multiple varieties. Zachary was in seventh heaven, and munched on many of them for a morning, midday or evening snack. However, it was impossible to eat everything that came from the garden. So, Zachary got to help juice the extras one evening for tomato juice. Nana and Papa will be well-stocked with canned tomatoes and tomato juice to last the upcoming year.

He did pretty well and didn’t need much help or guidance from Papa. MacKenzie didn’t want to get in on this action -- she was too busy eating freshly-boiled peanuts. My vote’s with her on that choice!

One afternoon, Benjamin saw a bowl of pear tomatoes sitting on the counter and commented that there were a lot. Then he added that there were even three “really big ones.” I looked in the bowl trying to see which ones he was talking about.

He turned around and pointed to three yellow squash sitting on the counter behind him. Yup – squash and pear tomatoes are similarly shaped! What an astute observation!

I think all the fun finally wore Benjamin out! While the rest of us were trying to gather our gear to pack back up for our return flight to Germany the next morning, Benjamin found a comfy spot to settle down -- and soon fell asleep. Fortunately, he adjusted to the time change back in Germany with relative ease -- I’m not sure if it was jetlag or simply being on the go so much that threw him for a loop in the evenings. At least his body knows when it’s time to go to sleep and he doesn’t fight it too much.

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