Friday, September 19, 2008

Cooking Cooks

We’re on week one of a new experiment in the Cook household: everyone age 10 and older is responsible for cooking supper one night a week. Of course, while lenient with food selections I retain parent’s prerogative and can wield ultimate veto power. MacKenzie took a turn Monday night, and opted for chocolate-chip pancakes. I can agree to this sweet-but-good breakfast-for-supper on occasion, but won’t approve it every week.

MacKenzie made the batter (and Benjamin helped stir it), got the hang of pouring it into the pan, added chocolate-chips to the cooking pancakes (without being overly generous) and even flipped them better than me at times.

They turned out delicious, and MacKenzie was proud that she chose and cooked the evening’s meal.

Benjamin even joined in by setting the table. He’s been reluctant to do so at times, but he’s slowly making progress and helping at suppertime more often.

Thursday evening, I went out to dinner with some co-workers and two visiting Polish Public Affairs officers, so Zachary had the helm in the kitchen. His menu of choice: angel hair pasta with Ragu sauce. He had it cooked and on the table before I had to leave since I didn’t want to leave the house before he was done cooking. I kinda like this idea!

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