Saturday, October 18, 2008

Swim Lessons

All three kiddos are taking swim lessons at the indoor aquatics center on base. Zachary goes after-school twice a week (which is wonderful for me, since his lessons end as I get off work -- perfect for picking him up!), and MacKenzie and Benjamin are in the same class on Saturday mornings.

They all seemed excited about taking lessons, and I’m looking forward to watching them improve their skills. Benjamin seemed to enjoy kicking and splashing the most during his first class. All three of them took a free class just before the pool opened to help the instructors get their lessons organized. Benjamin reminds me of this each time I take him to lessons. He’s constantly asking me if he can play in the kiddie play area instead of going to his lessons, because he “already took lessons” and knows “how to do everything.” However, I have yet to see him put his head underwater -- his response to that is that he will only when he has his goggles so he can open his eyes. What a kid -- he has an answer for everything.

MacKenzie seems to be doing well. She’s determined to move up to the next level of beginner classes, but is hesitant to put her head under water as well. She also doesn’t like being the oldest in the class. I told her to do everything her instructor tells her, and she’ll improve and move up a level more quickly than Benjamin. She’s also playing the “goggles card.” Guess I need to find their goggles!

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