Monday, October 20, 2008

Kitchen Help

I thought it was about time to give you all an update on how well the kids have been doing with their kitchen duties. Yup, Zachary and MacKenzie still regularly take the lead with supper. This weekend, Zachary made hamburgers (MacKenzie was in charge of adding the seasonings). I usually make pork & beans to go with burgers, but they chose two other vegetables instead. They even made blueberry muffins to go with the meal. Of course, it turned out very well, and no one left the table hungry.

After supper was over, they were in charge of unloading the dishwasher (from earlier in the day), and Benjamin had his own job as well -- putting away the silverware. It’s so nice to have help in the kitchen, even if it is mostly on the weekends when homework isn’t an issue.

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