Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dolomites B&B

When my friend Carie came to Germany back in January, she wasn’t sure if/when she’d make it back again so had to make a trek to northern Italy again. I couldn’t refuse a reasonable opportunity to head to the land of my ancestors, so we packed up and headed out after work at the start of a three-day weekend. We ended up spending the night at the Al Pian Bed & Breakfast in the Dolomites. I knew we were climbing high into the mountains, but we couldn’t see the splendor that surrounded us since it was nearly pitch black out.

When we awoke the next morning, this was the view from our back balcony. This was nothing compared to the view from the front and the view as we drove back down in altitude! After a good breakfast that included warm, thick, rich chocolate milk, we hit the road again heading to the town of Nové.

What a quaint view of barren vineyards with the mountains in the background.

I had to pull over to snap this photo of the mountains and lake. Even though it was a cold and dreary winter day, the mountains looked so very majestic. I’m sure they’re even more so when the sun breaks through the clouds and illuminates them and the adjacent valleys.

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Pam, you write so well...I love your way with words. John and I (back in Qatar for awhile) are missing Germany and Europe in general so much! We love your adventure posts and are so proud of you for getting out there and seeing so much!!! Keep 'em coming!
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