Sunday, November 09, 2008

Nové Shopping

The quaint little town of Nové is famous for its ceramics. Legend goes that the beginning of ceramic production in northern Italy dates back to the 400’s thanks to the Venice Republic. Documents state that the art of ceramics was born in Nové and Bassano del Grappa during the 17th century, which started an industry that would impose itself around the world.

The name of the town comes from the antique Italian word “Nové,” which means “new.” The lands where the town is located were considered new because of the lowering level of the Brenta River, which revealed soft lands rich in clay. The first artisans of the area started using the clay to produce pottery. From then the craft grew to become one of the most important trades of the area. Some local companies produce the best high-quality ceramics using precious materials like gold and platinum.

The main purpose of our visit to Nové was to go shopping at La Ceramica. What an amazing store! Carie took a weekend shopping trip there the last time she came to Germany and needed/wanted a few more pieces. I knew several people who raved about shopping in this town, so I jumped at the opportunity to go see the deals for myself.

The main floor was where they kept the unfinished pieces. There were rows and rows of ceramic pieces in various stages of completion. There were even some that I wished had been finished and in the store upstairs -- but I couldn’t find them. Guess those weren’t meant to come home with me.

When we made it upstairs, we found rows of beautifully-colored dishes, serving-ware bowls, pitchers and wall-hangings. The variety was amazing!

It would have been so easy to outfit a beach house with sea-themed dishes.

Zachary really wanted to bring home an artichoke-painted bowl in which to serve artichokes. There was a cornucopia of other vegetable-themed plates and bowls to choose from as well.

MacKenzie helped Carie look through the assortment of ladles.

This was my first experience using a “squat toilet.” Yes, this is a toilet. If you have a “Y” chromosome, it’s not that difficult to use, but for those of us used to sitting, you have to rely on thigh muscles. Kinda reminds me of being a kid and having to go outside when at the farm...

After making our purchases, we headed to the Giuliana Pizzeria Bar for a wonderful lunch of pizza, calzones and spaghetti. The pizza and calzones were cooked in this open-fire oven -- and were absolutely wonderful!

Yes, MacKenzie ate most of her spaghetti. I think she was glad to be back in Italy where she can get what she considers to be the best spaghetti in the world. Granny Mary would be so proud that MacKenzie’s Italian genes are coming out in this way!

That night, we headed to Vicenza... and more spaghetti. Carie ordered mussels, and was kind enough to share a few with Zachary and MacKenzie. They were both hesitant at first, but soon discovered they liked them. They ended up ordering spaghetti with muscles several times at one of our favorite restaurants back home.

While we were there, an elderly man came in with three ladies and sat in the corner table behind Carie and MacKenzie. He looked like he could have been Dad in 10 years! I’m kicking myself for not going up to him and trying to talk to him using Spanish-as-an-approximation-for-Italian since the family resemblance was so strong -- especially since Granny Mary’s family came from this region of Italy, and some are still there. It’s very plausible that he could have been a relative. He may not have understood me, but now it’s an opportunity lost.

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