Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Yesterday as I drove the kids to school, MacKenzie pointed out to Benjamin that he would officially be five-and-a-half today, and he instantly fell in love with the thought. All three kids had dental exams & cleanings yesterday, and when one of the technicians asked Benjamin how old he was, Benjamin replied, “Five. But tomorrow I will be five AND A HALF!” Without missing beat, the technician quickly replied, “Well, happy half-year-birthday.” That made Benjamin’s day! (That was one smart technician to instantly recognize how significant of a change it is to grow from five to five-and-a-half and wish him well for reaching that tremendous milestone!)

This morning when I dropped Benjamin off at school, he barely told me bye, then ran to the side of the school and said, “Wait, I have to take these somewhere” as he picked up a pair of pink gloves laying on the ground and walked inside to drop them into the lost-and-found box before heading off to meet his class (nope, no kiss for Mom this morning). I was so proud of him for doing the right thing without being told! I suppose he really is five-and-a-half now.

HOWEVER, now that he’s officially five-and-a-half, he told me tonight that he already feels like he’s SIX! Groan...I’m not ready for that!

PS, no cavities for all three kids! Yeah!!

PPS, I love this photo from last month...Benjamin thought it was great to walk around the house wearing Santa’s “hat and socks.”

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I've always been a believer in celebrating (or at the very least acknowledging) half-birthdays!! So a very happy half-birthday to you Ben!!
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