Thursday, April 02, 2009

Oasis in the Desert

After leaving the Dead Sea, we made one last stop before returning to our hotel -- to the Ein Gedi springs. This biblical oasis is fed by fresh water springs, and is where David hid with his men when he fled King Saul. There used to be a thundering waterfall here, but unfortunately it’s diminished to a relative trickle.

I know, my hair looks horrible in this photo -- it was still wet from the extremely salty water in the Dead Sea. It stayed damp and slimy for well over two hours -- until we made it back to the hotel and I was able to wash it (twice). The waterfall is tucked away in the crevice behind me.

You can see the trickle of a waterfall leading into the deep gorge -- Nahal David, “David’s Brook.” It must have been absolutely amazing to see it when it was a thunderous waterfall during David’s time hiding out here.

The combination of the hot desert climate and the rich fresh water springs here form the basis of fascinating wildlife including ibex (wild goats), although we didn’t see any while we were there. The nearby steep cliffs and caves once provided shelter for rebels and hermits, not far from the Judean Hills.

In the days of King Solomon, Ein Gedi was known for its fragrant perfume. Archaeological digs have revealed ancient perfume vats, although the exact combination of fragrances has never been discovered. I like how this lone palm tree is standing out, with the Dead Sea and the Jordanian hills nearby.

Across the Dead Sea, in present-day Jordan, is a Mocabee fortress that marks the site where John the Baptist was killed. It’s on the dark hilltop way in the distance. I like how this photo captured the setting desert sun, with the Jordanian hills and the Dead Sea fully lit while the nearby palm trees are already in the shadow of the nearby Judean Hills.

As the sun set on the desert, I saw a lone camel wandering near a farm of palm trees and other desert greenery.

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