Friday, April 03, 2009

Oh, What Thoughts Go through His Mind!

Benjamin really keeps me in stitches at times. The other day, as we were driving home, Zachary and I were talking about the end of the third quarter (hard to believe the school year is three-fourths over already!). Benjamin was paying attention to the conversation, but didn’t quite understand how the school year is divided into quarters. He let out a long, deep sigh, then -- wanting to be a part of the conversation -- said, “I only have three quarters left.” He was thinking of quarters for the toy vending machine!


At supper one night -- out of the blue -- he commented, “I am SO ready for Easter.” When did he become “SO ready” for anything!?!!


After talking to Matt on the phone recently, he told me, while wiping his ear, “Whew! Daddy talked for a long time. Now my ear is swaithy. That’s sweaty. My ear is swaith!” Guess we need to talk to Webster’s about adding that word!

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