Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy (belated) Easter!

Yes, Easter was nearly a month ago, but I want to share these few photos anyway. The Easter Bunny was nice to the kids. They all received chocolate, new movies and temporary tattoos. Zachary also had a new watch waiting in his basket (his watches tend to last just about a year, and he feels lost without one so the EB obliges and regularly replaces them). MacKenzie discovered a rope necklace, and Benjamin found a “Cars” yo-yo. I think they all enjoyed their surprises. Benjamin had his pants leg rolled up since long pants “bothered” his knee -- or, in his words, his “scab is still healing.” He fell two days earlier while running to the pool and scraped it up pretty bad -- bad enough that we had to come home and tend to it rather than simply wiping it off and continuing with our plans to swim. He even went to church like that too. Also, MacKenzie’s wearing MY sandals in this photo! And yes, that’s a tree behind them -- our EASTER tree, decorated with EASTER eggs, EASTER garland and beaded crosses.

It took us a while to get around to dyeing our Easter eggs this year. Fortuantely, we had already boiled them (and baked/decorated cookies), so all we had to do was dye them. Zachary opted to not decorate any this year, which left more for MacKenzie, Benjamin and me. We had fun experimenting with the colors: more vinegar = brighter colors, less vinegar & more water = pastel colors. The kids have taken to eating boiled eggs, so we had nearly three dozen eggs to experiment with. I think they turned out magnificently this year!

However, we ran out of time to actually hide the eggs. Benjamin would remind me every few days that we still needed to have our Easter Egg Hunt. It ain’t gonna happen now. The (plastic) Easter eggs, the baskets, and even the tree are neatly stored in the garage until next year (well, the tree will come back out THIS year around Thanksgiving).

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