Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Beat Goes On

OK, so it’s been a few weeks since I last updated. We’ve been busy. Very busy. Mom and Dad came to visit for a while, which was great. Unfortunately, we didn’t really get to travel anywhere with them (although they took a day trip to Trier and another to Metz, France, and Dad played golf once). But, we knew this would likely be the case since I had to work 12- to 13-hour shifts overnight (5 p.m. to 5 or 6 a.m.) for 10 days straight during their visit (the exercise was scheduled for 12 days, so I was thankful that it ended early!).

So, what kept us so busy these past few weeks? We had Benjamin tested for seasonal allergies (he HATED having his blood drawn -- it took three of us to hold him down!). We went to Spangdahlem with Mom and Dad for the yearly bazaar there, and found some great deals. We met some friends from Stuttgart for dinner at the “Kid Zone” (think generic Chuck-e-Cheese). MacKenzie went on a Girl Scout Volksmarch. Zachary has his first official “job” -- cutting our neighbor’s grass each week (she’s allergic to grass). The kids started back to swim lessons after a two-week hiatus over Spring Break. Zachary was invited to join the National Junior Honor Society. Nana accompanied (chaperoned) MacKenzie’s class on a field trip to the Dynamilum hands-on science museum. Zachary went camping with his Boy Scout troop. We strolled through a flea market at an abandoned drive-in theater. MacKenzie participated in a Girl Scout Earth Day project. Zachary worked diligently on two major end-of-year school projects (he presented one today -- YEAH!). Benjamin is reading up a storm -- well above grade-level! MacKenzie started working on her Science Fair Project. We spent five hours in the ER with MacKenzie (fast-spreading cellulitis on her foot, now gone). MacKenzie went on a joint U.S. - German Scouting campout. Nana and Papa Space-A’ed back home. Benjamin decided he doesn’t want to eat “cold lunch any more, and started eating “hot lunch” every day this week. MacKenzie won an iPod Shuffle during a drawing by the PTA (after turning in 200 “Boxtops for Education”). Zachary met his Boy Scout Board of Review and earned the rank of “Star Scout” (two shy of Eagle now!). Benjamin decided he’s now in charge of getting drinks ready for supper each night, and will climb onto the counter to get the cups, pour the drinks and carry them to the table. What great help! All three kids finished up the three-week swim lesson sessions, with all of them going into a higher level class than what they started in three weeks ago. I told Benjamin today was his last day in “Beginner One,” and he clapped then asked aloud, “I wonder if I’ll have to take a test.” His instructor had already recommended that he move up to “Beginner Two” but still had him do a “test” since I told her what he had said earlier. He passed! MacKenzie’s now in “Beginner Three,” and Zachary’s moving to “Advanced Beginner.” MacKenzie passed a “swim test” allowing her to be in the pool without me (she had to swim 25 meters without stopping, tread water for one minute and get out of the pool without using a ladder). She even did this AFTER her tiring 30-minute swim lesson! They’re all doing great in the water, and I’m so proud of them!

Whew! That’s a busy three weeks! “What’s next?” you ask. MacKenzie’s going to a ropes course with her Girl Scout Troop. I’m going to Hamburg for a few days with work. We’ll all join MacKenzie and her Girl Scout troop for a Volksmarch. MacKenzie’s going camping at the Girl Scout Chalet in Switzerland. Zachary’s going to Intercamp in the Netherlands. And that should bring us to the end of May and just a few days before the end of the school year ... and then summer is just around the corner (with more camping trips and family getaways planned). Is it that time already!?!!

Yes, we’re still busy. But the beat goes on!

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