Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Last Stroll through Tel Aviv

I really enjoyed my visit to Israel. I worked long hours while there -- sometimes it was as late as 9 p.m. when we returned to the hotel. Fortunately, I was able to “play” hard too with my sightseeing excursions -- which made the trip more than worthwhile. This is the view from my hotel room looking out at the Mediterranean Sea.

Here’s a small panorama of Tel Aviv’s skyline -- again, from my hotel balcony.

Before we loaded up for our ride to the airport, I opted to stroll through one of the markets with Corey (a co-worker) in Tel Aviv to browse around and see if there was any last-minute-item that I absolutely needed. We first stopped for some fresh-squeezed pomegranate juice. It was good, but probably would have been better with half an orange squeezed into it (Corey’s style) to take the edge off the bitterness.

Many streets were blocked off near the market area for a Purim street-party. There were lots of people in costumes, various performances and a general sense of festiveness.

Hmmm, I don’t think I could walk on all fours like this for long, much less on stilts!

This performance included a very talented pair of fire-drummers.

Some performers even got the younger partiers involved -- dancing and playing the drums here.

Fun costumes were everywhere.

Of course, I took one last stroll along the beach before grabbing my gear and heading for home. It really was beautiful -- this was the view I had during breakfast each day!

And this, my friends, is the last post from my Israel trip. It only took me a month to get them all posted...but nearly a year to get started on them. Still to come on the travel-front: Netherlands, Normandy, Garmisch, Paris and Greece. I think I’ll post a few of our day-to-day updates before tackling the next set of travel posts though.

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I have enjoyed reading your Israel posts. It looks like it was a really inspirational and enjoyable trip.
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