Sunday, February 07, 2010

First Snow, and More Snow

We received our first real snowfall in mid-December. The kids were enjoyed getting outside and playing. There wasn’t much to work with, but they did their best. They used a snow shovel to pile up the snow as best they could so they could get started on their first winter masterpiece of the season.

Benjamin enjoyed running around more than getting down and dirty in the snow. I think he wore that Santa hat every day in the month of December!

Zachary managed to gather enough snow to make a short snowman.

Second Snow
One week later, we had more snow, but still not a terrible onslaught of the white stuff.

Look at all the snow that Zachary collected while outside. Fortunately, it didn’t snow too much longer while they were shoveling, and their work on clearing the driveway made it so much easier to get in and out of the driveway without sliding across what-would-have-been-ice by evening.

Third Snow
By the time late-January rolled around, we had our first really decent snowfall. This time we had enough that school (and work) was delayed two hours one morning. That allowed just enough time for Zachary and MacKenzie to help dig out the van and shovel our driveway! Oh, how I enjoy having their help!

MacKenzie doesn’t look too thrilled to be helping though. She’d much rather be working on her igloo in the backyard.

This tree is on the fence line in our backyard. I think it’s absolutely beautiful covered with this much snow and ice!

MORE snow
The last two weeks were pretty crazy with all the snow, ice and freezing rain we had. MacKenzie’s project with that amount of snow was to build an igloo. She made pretty good progress, but homework got in the way of completing it...then the sun came out and melted it all. I’m sure if we were dumped on like the Northeast is this weekend, she’d have built a gigantic igloo!

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