Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anne Frank’s Hideout

While in Holland, we also took a quick trip to Amsterdam to visit the Anne Frank House. We weren’t allowed to take photos inside, but still enjoyed the visit nonetheless. Zachary had been studying Anne Frank in school, so he really appreciated being there. There were canals running alongside most downtown streets, and these are the views of the canals and buildings across from the entrance to the Anne Frank House.

This is the entrance to the 17th century merchant house where Anne Frank and her family hid for 25 months during World War II. Some 25,000 Jews lived in hiding in the Netherlands during the war. One-third of them were arrested anyway, often after being betrayed, and then murdered.

This street was around the corner from the Anne Frank House -- I liked seeing all the bicycles lined up alongside the building. Pedal locomotion is definitely very Dutch!

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