Tuesday, March 09, 2010

First Dentist Pull

MacKenzie is being seen by an orthodontist every six months or so to keep an eye on her teeth so we can begin possible orthodontic treatment at the right time. While she doesn’t have a gap between her two front teeth like Zachary does, she does has a crossbite and overbite and will likely need an expander in the roof of her mouth to push her upper teeth out a bit to address some of her crowding (she gets that from me!). A few months ago, her first molar fell out (actually, I pulled it at her request). Unfortunately, the corresponding molar on the other side wasn’t anywhere near ready to come out. Since it wasn’t allowing room for her permanent tooth underneath it to come in, her orthodontist recommended pulling it. MacKenzie was NOT thrilled with that suggestion. Up until this point, her only dental experiences have been cleanings and x-rays. Last week, she got to add tooth-pulling to her dental visit repertoire.

She did very well with the experience. Fortunately, most of the roots on the tooth were already gone, so it was an easy tooth to pull. The dentist even commented that he could see the new tooth underneath it ready to come in. As with Zachary, the Tooth Fairy paid double for the dentist-pulled tooth.


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