Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gone to the Dogs

About a month and a half ago, we dog-sat for one of my co-workers. The kids were excited about having a dog in the house, even if it was only for the weekend. They all really want a dog, but I continue to tell them that I won’t consider getting one until we move back to the states, and that even then it’s no guarantee. It’s already three vs. one in our household, and I don’t need to tip the balance any more in their favor by adding a dog for me to take care of.

They all counter my argument by saying that THEY will take care of any dog we get, and they all did extremely well taking care of Rocky those two days. It helped that he’s a very calm dog to begin with. They loved petting him and giving him treats (he enjoyed that too!).

They each took a turn taking him for a walk. Zachary got up early both days to take him out first thing -- no sleeping in! Benjamin even had to have his own turn at the helm of the leash. Fortunately, MacKenzie had the leash when they encountered another dog -- nothing a simple tug at the leash couldn’t take care of.

Rocky was tired out after we took him for an hour-long walk on Sunday -- just in time for him to return home. We tried to get him to sleep the first night in Zachary’s room and the second night in MacKenzie’s room, but he snuck back into Zachary’s room the second night. Zachary was pleased!

They still talk about Rocky and are all hoping to dog-sit him again.

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