Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I attended a Mother’s Day Tea in Benjamin’s classroom on Friday. I wasn’t expecting it to be a performance so I didn’t take my camera, but I truly enjoyed the show nonetheless. I knew it was going to be a tear-jerker when one of Benjamin’s classmates handed me a tissue as I walked in the room, saying, “Here’s a tissue in case you cry.” Benjamin read a poem with one of his classmates, and they all sang songs and recited “mom-isms” during the performance. Benjamin said they were able to choose their mom-isms by raising their hands when their teacher read them to the class while preparing for the performance. I suspected as much, especially since the two he read aloud were very similar to phrases he hears come from my mouth. His two mom-isms were, “How many times do I have to tell you?” and “I said CLOSE the door, not SLAM it.”

They also made a booklet with thoughts about their mothers. I really like what Benjamin said about me: “She’s nice, helps me, plays with me, reads with me, she doesn’t interrupt me, takes care of me, lets me sleep in her bed, lets us pick one thing out at the commissary. She lets us do what we want to do, she helps me clean up the house. She is awesome, really awesome. She loves me, really loves me. I love her and she loves me really much. She lets us sleep in on weekends and cooks cookies for us.” I really enjoyed his line about who helps who clean the house!

I woke up this morning to kisses from Benjamin and breakfast in bed courtesy of all three kiddos. This seems to be the standard Mother’s Day for me, and I love it! Benjamin seemed surprised that I like scrambled eggs and toast (one slice with butter, the other with jelly), and asked me if I usually eat cereal because it’s quicker (yup!). They even discovered that the tray they use to deliver my breakfast can be used as a dry erase board, so they decorated it and signed their names on it!

Benjamin made me a small photo frame, and MacKenzie made me several clay roses. She also picked out a bouquet of flowers the other day, which we bought and have been enjoying since Friday. Yesterday, she helped a friend plant flowers in her yard, and brought home one plant for me. How sweet! I really am blessed to have three very wonderful kids!

I found this poem that I think captures the essence of Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day!

Because you are strong
Even when you’re not
Because you are always there
Especially when you can’t be
Because when people say, ‘How do you do it?’ you wonder, ‘How would I not?’
Because you can make everything better with a band-aid and a kiss
And because it nearly destroys you when you can’t
Because you laugh at knock-knock jokes that make no sense
Because you cry at the drop of a hat
Because you are terrified to let them go
And because you do
Because you haven’t eaten a hot meal in years
And because you’ve barely noticed
Because you know all the words to ‘hush little baby’
Or because you make them up
Because you’ve read the same bedtime story so many times
That you could do it in your sleep
And because sometimes you do
Because your kiss to a hot forehead is no less accurate than a thermometer
Because you know the power of ice cream
And the power of withholding it
Because you have eyes in the back of your head
Or at least they think you do
Because you know there is no finer art than what’s on your fridge
Because there is no limit to your love
But there are limits and rules and expectations in your home
Because in your eyes, every human being is another mother’s child
Because there is literally nothing you wouldn’t do to protect your babies
Because your babies may be 35, but they’re still your babies
Because they make you the best version of yourself
Especially when you feel like the worst
Because the phrase ‘full time mom’ strikes you as absurd
Because you can’t imagine what it would mean to be a ’part-time mom’
Because you are patient
Even when you’re not
Because you could watch your child sleep for hours
Because you see miracles in the smallest victories
And opportunities in every defeat
Because you would take all their pain if you could
And because you don’t
Because you can’t imagine life without them
Because you know and do and are so much more than you give yourself credit for
Because today is your day
Happy Mother’s Day
-- Jess Wilson


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