Saturday, April 08, 2006

First Haircut (and artichokes)

Benjamin finally had his first haircut today, and he is actually younger than Zachary was on his big day (approx 2 years & 9 months vs. 3 years & 3 months). Last night we mentioned that he needed a haircut, and he got upset when I didn't cut his hair before bed. So today, after returning from the Vaihingen market, we swung by the barber shop for the big event. At first he didn't want to get in the chair, so Zachary went first. Then the chair beside Zachary opened up for him, but he still didn't want to sit in it...until we suggested that he sit in my lap. But he still didn't want to wear the apron, so we pressed on without...and he ended up with quite a bit of hair on the back of his shirt (good thing it was bath night!).

It was probably a little scary for him since the barber didn't speak English and kept trying to come at him with the electric clippers. He did better when the barber worked with scissors, but still squirmed when he used the clippers on his neck. He doesn't look like a "little boy" any more curls or long wavy hair in the back. He was excited about his reward for getting his haircut--a lollipop, which he chose for dessert tonight instead of ice cream (I was surprised)!

Zachary had also been asking Nana about trying an artichoke. Fortunately, we found some at the market this morning, so we brought three home, and Zachary & MacKenzie helped Nana prep them for cooking. (Zachary was multi-tasking and talking to his dad on the phone while working with the garlic cloves, as is evident in the photo). MacKenzie wasn't interested in trying one, but surprisingly, Zachary enjoyed it and ate the entire thing while carefully listening to Papa's instructions on how to avoid the "dangerous" thorn-looking barrier to get to the best part (the "treasure" according to Nana)--the artichoke heart! When he got to the heart, he didn't waste any time...he plucked the entire thing out and ate it in a single bite. Add that to the list of foods he likes!

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It's not easy to multitask, but when you get a satisfying reward, it pays off.
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