Sunday, February 04, 2007

Boy Scout Sunday 2007

This year’s Boy Scout Sunday took on a different flavor for us. Last year, Zachary had completed his “God and Family” requirements and was awarded the corresponding medal during the service. Since his next opportunity for earning a religious medal won’t come until next year when he’s a Boy Scout (vice a Cub Scout), his participation was more low-key this year.

MacKenzie actually helped me with the first part of our involvement: baking goodies for fellowship after the service. Her favorite part of helping, of course, was to help lick the utensils and bowls clean, then sample the finished products. That was almost a job within itself since we made two kinds of cookies and a double-batch of brownies! Benjamin also wanted to get in on the action, but he was more interested in the sampling end of business.

I figured while we were at it, we’d bake some extra goodies for friends who are deployed to Djibouti, Africa, and Baghdad, Iraq...hence the abundance of baked goodies. (On a side note, we sent a box of Ritter-Sport chocolates to another friend who was deployed to Qatar over Christmas, and learned that the chocolates were much appreciated...although I doubt they all lasted the two weeks until the Wisconsin Cheese and Sausage party for which they were intended!)

I think there was more Scout participation in the Boy Scout Sunday service this year than last year, with several dozen boys wearing their scouting uniforms and assisting in various segments of the service. Zachary helped greet the congregation members as they entered the sanctuary by offering to take their coats to hang up in the back of the chapel. His other role, once again, was to be an usher during the offering...which he performed with great poise.

After the service, Zachary rushed to the back of the sanctuary so he could help people retrieve their coats as they left. All he really had to do was roll the coat racks back toward the exit. Then he and MacKenzie made a beeline to the gazebo for fellowship so they could sample the wonderful assortment of goodies available. Amazingly enough, they both gravitated to the plate we brought. I’m not sure why they did that since we left a few extras at home. They are always good about selecting a treat or two to take to Benjamin, who most Sundays goes to Child Watch where he can play with other young children instead of having to be stifled and shhhh’ed during the service.

Today was a great opportunity to recognize Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts for their service to God. After all, the Scout Oath begins, “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country…” And with that in mind, please continue to keep the thousands of American Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who are serving our country in harm’s way and in harsh conditions around the world in your thoughts and prayers as well.

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