Sunday, May 27, 2007

All or Nothing

Benjamin really can go all out when he does things. A couple nights ago, he added bubbles to the bath. He had fun and got the silly giggles when hiding his bath toys under the plethora of bubbles! As you can see, he didn’t share many bubbles with Zachary though.

Later that night, he didn’t want to stay in bed at bedtime, and ended up throwing a fit ... and throwing all his pillows out of bed! When I asked him about it the next morning, he said he threw his pillows out of bed because I was being mean to him. He certainly can be stubborn at times!

A few days later, he disappeared into his room as I started getting supper ready. When I went to check on him, I discovered that he was reading his books ... all of them! At least he has a love of reading.


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